Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
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This is my collection of posts, snippets, and information on the internet. Some content may be a quick read while others may be longer in length, but I wanted to create a space that I can put out my ideas into the world without a burden of kneeling to some type of algorithm.
For more information about Digital Gardens, Maggie Appleton has a good article: A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
my simple workflow for building docker images for multiple architectures
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
how I've been tinkering with the tool Yoke over the past few weeks
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Wishlist for changes in the software dev community I hope for in the coming year
A retrospective on the past year
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
how I used readable streams to save large files in Nodejs
My personal journey setting up HTTPS in tailscale and configuring the various services in my local network to support it.
A quick examination of each day of OpenAI's 12 Days of OpenAI
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Exploring how I have been trying to change my habits about putting the devices down before I fall asleep at night
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
What I want the future of my website to be
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
an analysis of Apple's contextual capabilities coming to a future version of Apple Intelligence in 2025
Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week
Why I am both distributing and consuming content again via RSS
An examination of the question of do we need junior devs when we have AI code generation tooling
An app I'm now using to watch for when there are updates to docker images I use
What I wish for future improvements to GitHub's CI system
A AWS Lambda function that will watch the rest of my Lambda functions to see if any are using an unsupported version of nodejs
A look at how GitHub is pricing out the average developer in exchange for the enterprise
A look at why web hosting platforms that are wrappers for cloud providers can be useful when shipping projects
A postmortem on my VS Code issue tracker data collection project
A postmortem on my data collection project for ES Modules
How to use the AWS SDK V3 JS Client to list resources based on tags
Ramblings on the spectrum of the types of services AWS provides and how that relates the monetary cost of them
A cheatsheet of common functions called using the AWS SDK v3 DynamoDB DocumentClient
A walkthrough of the tooling I use to build projects on AWS
A listing of projects I have built using Rust
A look into developing a portion of Netlify's CLI in Rust
How to use OpenID Connect with GitHub Actions and AWS resources
How to use Jobs in GitHub Actions workflows
What software I use frequently and the support for it on Apple Silicon machines
How to secure permissions quickly in AWS CDK Stacks with least-priviledge access
How to enhance and automate workflows by writing keyboard shortuct enabled Script Kit scripts
A collection of repos I have made using the AWS CDK
Behind the scenes of creating a timelapse for the Stats page of the 2020 Advent of Code event
How to setup a Toast site to be styled with TailwindCSS
How to install node modules that are locally on your filesystem into another project
How to auto-enable darkmode OS-wide on Windows 10 with an open source utility
How to use serde_path_to_error to get more context into why a deserialization is failing
How to implement the Display trait for custom structs in Rust
How to navigate into the repo within GitHub Actions using the GITHUB_WORKSPACE environment variable
A look in how as a Web Developer I was able to remix the manual for Mutable Instruments Plaits to be more refined for my taste
Notes for the book Working In Public by Nadia Eghbal
how to store secrets inside GitHub Actions
How to cache data between workflow runs in GitHub Actions
How to examine a JavaScript bundle that includes a source map to dig into what ends up in a bundle shipped to production
A look at a zsh function I wrote to quickly resize images using the imagemagick convert command
How to be able to trigger an alfred workflow to search through and easily navigate a digital garden
How I am automating creation of new posts on my site with Plop
Twitch content production streams by ChefBrent
A collection of topics to follow up on (or that have been already followed up)
Some frequently used GitHub Actions that may appear in many workflows
Notes on the types of actions that are either written in JS or Docker
A method to create artifacts from GitHub Actions runs
A top down hierarchy of GitHub Actions components
A listing of the events that can kick off a workflow in GitHub Actions
Various things that can be run as building blocks of GitHub Actions
A Collection of VS Code extensions I use and reccomend
Trigger actions and modify settings of OBS scenes and sources using a MIDI controller
A new feature of GitHub Actions where you can transfer data between jobs using outputs
A look into my hardware and software used for my streaming setup
With use of the tailwindcss-dark-mode plugin, you can add support for customizing the look and feel of your site between a light and dark mode
How to add the TailwindCSS library into a Gatsby project using PostCSS
PurgeCSS will be able to greatly reduce the outputted CSS file to get rid of any classes that you do not use in your code
GitHub Actions scheduled workflows allow for a task to be done in GitHub Actions on a fixed schedule using a cron syntax
How to create a GitHub Action workflow to trigger deploys to Netlify whenever a commit to master is made
Using the pull_request GitHub Actions trigger, you can write workflows to run tests on pull requests
obs-virtual-cam provides an interface where you can take the video output and convert it into a virtual webcam for apps like Skype or Zoom
How I used GitHub Actions and tools like Twilio to automate the process of adding items to a follow-up list
A guide on how to use Twilio and GitHub Actions to send weekly event alerts
How to bundle NodeJS with node modules to be used in a GitHub Action as GitHub does not include node modules automatically
How to take rust code and compile and bundle it down into a webpack bundle
A look into a JS optimization in Firefox that makes the array.shift method as fast as array.pop
An introduction on how you can write WebAssembly modules in Rust using wasm-pack
A retrospective for what I did in 2019
Tutorial on how you can use Git and have a GitHub Actions workflow make git commits on your behalf automatically
A post discussing Advent of Code 2019, a programming advent calendar with daily programming puzzles
How I programatically create Open Graph images in react that can be then seen in places like Twitter, Discord, and other soical platforms
A look into a GitHub Actions workflow I made to scrape data from GitHub and present the data into a Gatsby site
How to selectively add what you want to stage for a git commit using the --patch flag
A high-level look at how one should use GitHub Actions
How I'm participating in Hacktoberfest 2019, A celebration of the Open Source community put on by DigitalOcean
A look in how one can learn portions of the GraphQL Ecosystem with Gatsby progressively rather all at once
How to build a GitHub Action using Javascript
Recap of livestream of building my own PC live.
A look into how I took a fully-functional Gatsby site and transformed it into a reusable theme
Intro article about me starting to stream on Twitch