Pokemon TCG Price Tracker
Created July 2024
An app to be able to watch prices of Pokemon Trading Card Game cards and send alerts to Discord if prices fall under a price I'm willing to pay for the card.
Select a theme. Click on the overlay or the button again to exit
Here are a few larger scale projects I've created.
Created July 2024
An app to be able to watch prices of Pokemon Trading Card Game cards and send alerts to Discord if prices fall under a price I'm willing to pay for the card.
Created October 2022
A workflow for me to follow up with links that I want to digest rather than just storing to a bookmark to never be viewed again.
Created September 2022
A project to aggregate the high level pricing details for AWS resources I frequently use.
Created December 2021
A project to explore and analyze the adoption rate of ES Modules in the Node Ecosystem.
Created August 2020
A site to preview the various modes for the Modular Synth module, Mutable Instrument's Plaits.
Created December 2019
A resource site to showcase various actions & tips during the month of December 2019.
Created January 2019
Collaborating with Mike Vormwald, we recreated syracuse.io in Gatsby from previously a Jekyll site. Now we still have the benefit of writing content in markdown but have the speed and power that comes through using Gatsby and React.
Created September 2018
During September 2018, the VS Code team worked on getting the issues on their GitHub down and I wanted to see how they progressed over the month so I developed a static site that graphed said data over time. I utilized GitHub's API to get the state of the issues on an hourly basis and the end result was quite sucessful given they were able to triage about 4000 issues during that month.
For other projects, visit my GitHub