Benjamin Lannon

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Implementing the Display trait in Rust

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When interpolating values into a string in a println! call, you use the {} symbols in a format string followed by the variables as arguments. What this is using to insert a user-facing output into the string is the fmt::Display trait. This trait is implemented on all primitives and many other types in the standard library.

To implement it on your own structs, it requires a fmt function to be defined to show how to render the contents of a struct in a string format.

struct User {
name: String,
email: String,

impl fmt::Display for User {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} <{}>",,

Now if we create an instance of our User struct, we can print it out directly as we would with other variables:

fn main() {
let new_user = User {
name: "Benjamin Lannon".to_string(),
email: "".to_string()

println!("{}", new_user); // Prints out "Benjamin Lannon <>"