Weeknotes #9 (January 04, 2025)
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Things I found, read, did, and produced this past week.
Things I worked on
- I wrote a reflection piece on my 2024: Farewell, 2024
- Wrote about My 2025 Software Dev Wishlist
- It was the end of 2024 / is now the start of 2025, so I took some time over the past week cleaning up my digital spaces and worked on getting set up for the new year.
- One thing I may write about in more detail later is I condensed Obsidian & Notion usage down to just Obsidian. I wanted to reduce the places I write in and although I really do like Notion, the ideology of Obsidian felt better with me in the end and almost everything in Notion I can migrate to Obsidian in some way.
Things I consumed
- I binged through some shows and books during my time off during the holiday so I was able. Some highlights included finishing the first season of the remake of Ranma 1/2, and finishing Becky Chamber's A Prayer for the Crown-Shy.
- YouTuber Freya Holmér posted a video Generative AI is a Parasitic Cancer which is a fairly critical stance of where the internet is today. She wanted to search up a 3d modelling file format and she mainly found a bunch of AI generated content with almost no human touch in sight and then went into the ramifications for what that means for society.
- Simon Willison posted why he thinks Apple isn't serving ads based on spying on your microphone. Definitely agree with his sentiment as there has been zero actual evidence that this occurs.
- I've been continuing to play through Unicorn Overlord over the week.